Keep your visitors' data safe

SSL/TLS provides data encryption, data integrity and authentication

Instant (DV SSL)

Domain Validation SSL
Fully automated provision process
Up to 256-bit SSL encryption
Compatible with 99% of current browsers & smart phones
Static Site Seal. Show the website is secured
Improve Your Google Rank

Premium (OV SSL)

Full business validated certificate
Most trusted 2048-bit SSL Certificate
Trusted by all major Browsers
99.3% Browser Ubiquity
Unlimited Re-Issuance Policy
128/256 bit encryption
Unlimited server licenses
Google SEO Booster

Extended (EV SSL)

Full business validated certificate
2048-bit industry standard SSL Certificate
99.3% Browser coverage
Up to 256-bit encryption
24/7 support

Wildcard SSL

Lowest cost, stable single root Wildcard available
Dynamic Site Seal
Immediate SSL certificate issuance 24/7/365
Multi-year savings available - 1 to 3 year certs available
Automated two step online validation - no paperwork
99% browser recognition rate
Strong 128 / 256 bit encryption, industry standard SSL
Improve Your Google Rank

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